Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Thomas Wilkins's picture
by Thomas Wilkins

The latest degression announcement from DECC

DECC have just announced the tariffs for the Non Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme, which will be effective from 1st July 2016. Small biomass, continuing to be hit by the degressions, will be decreasing by 10%.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Ed Hardy's picture
by Ed Hardy

LEDs in space

Water cooled LED lights have made their way into space! Safe food production is an ongoing issue for the EDEN Institute of Space Systems project. Heliospectra AB, working as part of this project, has designed high intensity LED grow lights to be used for this purpose on both the Internation Space
Thursday, 12 May 2016
by Anonymous

The TRIADs have gone... until next winter

Generators, and large users of electricity, can derive useful cash from coordinating their electricity use with the National Grid TRIAD periods. These are three half-hour periods in the year when national electricity demand is at its highest. Users are paid cash for shedding load, or having
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Chris Plackett's picture
by Chris Plackett

Budget announcement impacts on future CCL costs and savings

In his budget speech on March 16th, George Osbourne made some interesting energy related announcements. For many, the most significant news was that the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (known as the CRC) will end on 1st April 2019.
Monday, 04 April 2016
Jenny Beynon's picture
by Jenny Beynon

Biomass boiler helps strawberry grower increase yield

Scottish strawberry grower, PJ Stirling, estimate that they will produce an extra 150 tonnes of strawberries, as a result of extending their growing season with a new biomass heating system.
Friday, 18 March 2016
Oli Coe's picture
by Oli Coe

Recent RHI changes

On the 3rd March 2016, the Government released a consultation document outlining proposals for the reform of the Domestic & Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).
Friday, 18 March 2016
by sam

Changes to RHI will affect all participants

The Government has released a consultation document, announcing the reform of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). There are proposed changes that will be implemented in April 2016 and Spring 2017. At the moment, the government has not confirmed whether these changes will effect RHI eligible
Thursday, 17 March 2016
by Anonymous

Eight million pounds of flexible energy procurement tenders

Through our special access to flexible energy markets, we bought 200,000,000kWh of gas, and sold 100,000,000kWh of electricity, for our clients last week. This translated into a total contract value of £8m. Oh yes, and we also saved our clients £100,000 p.a. in supplier margins in the process.
Tuesday, 08 March 2016
Frances Christodoulou's picture
by Frances Christodoulou

Energy efficient potatoes

Ed and myself have been out and about with our research caps on recently, visiting potato stores, and examining how the store environment is manipulated to maintain potato quality during the crop storage phase. 
Friday, 04 March 2016
Jenny Beynon's picture
by Jenny Beynon

Sustainable Fuel Register is launched

Earlier in February, the Sustainable Fuel Register (SFR) was launched at Energy Now Expo 2016. This reporting scheme will bridge the gap between fuel sustainability reporting and non-wood fuel users, just as the BSL does for wood biomass fuels.
